
Saturday, August 13, 2016

2016.08.14 Week 5

Strength Academy Students,

We're starting Week 5! One more week before we test and see how much stronger you've become.

As a reminder, do your best to focus on what's most important. Some of you need to put in the work and build strength. Others need stability. Others need mobility. Many of you need a bit of each, including myself.

We'll be dialing things in this weekend. Increasing mental focus, awareness, ... Less volume. It will still be somewhat difficult :) If you can, give yourself at least 1-2 days off before you test your maxes again.

See you soon and enjoy the last training week before we retest!


== Warm-up ==

1. Air squats x20
2. Walking lunges x20 each leg
3. Airplanes x10 each leg
4. Push-ups x10
5. Front plank 1:00
6. Side plank 0:30 each side
7. Equalizer row x10

*Warm-up should not be hard strength wise. Think if the muscles you need to activate for the bigger lifts.

== Strength Session ==

1. Pause squat (3 sec): work up to heavy set of 3, then 8x3

2. DB Pause Bench Press (5 sec): 5x5, last set AMRAP (max reps)

3. Deadlift: work up to a heavy set of 2, then 10x2 EMOM (every minute on the minute)

4. Overhead walking lunges (1-arm, DB, same weight as you used for walking lunges last week). 10x10 total (5x10 each arm, switch arms each set)

== Assigned Homework ==

Workout A

A.1. Barbell Pause Squats (2 sec pause): 10x2, medium weight, focus on speed on the way up

A.2. Bench Press (DB or BB): 5x5, medium weight, 2 sec pause, fast on the way up

A.3. Core Circuit - 4 rounds
- 0:30 hollow body hold
- 10 ab wheel roll outs
- 0:30 superman hold
- 10 hanging leg lifts (pull-up bar)
- 0:30 tuck hold
- 10 knee tucks (equalizer bars)

Workout B

B.1. Barbell Back Squat, Warm up to heavy set of 5, 1x5, 1x3, 3x1 (add weight with each set of you're feeling strong and still able to explode from the bottom)

B.2. Barbell Deadlift, Work up to a heavy set of 2-3 reps, then 15x1 (1 rep every 30 s, 15 reps total)

B.3. Core Conditioning
- From plank - accumulate 5:00. If you have 3:00+ unbroken, add a weighted plate on your upper back and ensure you do not let your lower back sag.
- Hollow body hold: 5 x 0:30, 0:30 rest (use a running clock)
- Hanging tuck hold, 5 x 0:30, 0:30 rest (use a running clock)